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Receiving regular medical treatment

Without regular medical treatment , it is very difficult to prove your disability claim. A failure to seek treatment may also become a basis for Social Security to deny your claim. Social Security cannot  just rely on your statements; it needs medical proof documenting your symptoms and limitations and, preferably, opinions from your doctors, psychiatrists and/or psychologists.

Often claimants stop getting medical treatment when they do not have the financial means to pay for treatment. Frequently health insurance stops when you cannot work. While these might be valid reasons for not obtaining treatment, Social Security will make its own determination  whether you have “good reasons” for not obtaining treatment. Quite possibly, Social Security also will look to what effort you made to obtain care and whether you sought out treatment that might be available at little or no cost.

If you are not obtaining regular treatment and you are represented by a disability attorney, you should always address this issue with your attorney.